Monday, November 19, 2012

Thika road is a practical lesson on Contractual work Ethic

The Thika superhighway was officially handed over to the Kenyan government by the three Chinese contractors namely China Wu Yi Company, Shengli Engineering Construction and Synohydro Corporation Ltd. This is a rare occurrence among local contractors. Since the Thika superhighway project commenced about three years ago, Kenyans have witnessed many firsts and have woken up to new possibilities. Ever since the road construction begun, there is no day that the road was closed for motorists and construction never stopped for a single day. Have our local contractors learnt a lesson or two from the Chinese contractors? or will they continue to castigate the government for” sidelining” them”?

Prime-Minister Raila Odinga defended the dominance of Chinese contractors in Kenya citing the government’s frustration with local contractors who cannot deliver quality work on time. Local contractors had gained a reputation of abandoning projects midway, demanding more funds, and constant delays that eventually earned them the tag “cowboy contractors”. He further explained that local rogue contractors had long held the government hostage and their main agenda was to fleece the Kenyan taxpayers. The entrance of Chinese contractors however, has seen a major shift in the country’s infrastructural development. Kenya seems to be making headway in building world-class infrastructure with the Thika superhighway, and many other roads in the countryside having been managed carefully and built to world standards.

A look at Thika Superhighway and other roads built by the Chinese has shown first-class workmanship. The workmanship of the three contractors on the 50.4 km masterwork has been hailed by both the government and the local population in equal measure. Kenyans have commended them for the quality of their work and the speed at which they have delivered the project. The Chinese have strict standards of adhering to schedules and if it were not for the delays in the relocation of services like electricity lines and water pipes, they say they would have progressed much faster. There were challenges owing to the high density of the population, high traffic, underground pipes and networks and so on but the Chinese companies undertook the works with their entire arsenal and never slowed down.

Kenyans can recall that construction workers involved in building of the highway worked day and night and with speed and efficiency to complete the work within the shortest time period. Most of the Chinese workers, who have been there for the entire three years of the project, never went for holidays or took a break. This kind of dedication of time and energy, never seen among local contractors led to rumors that the Chinese contractors are prisoners from China. The Chinese ambassador during the handing over ceremony dispelled these rumors citing the Chinese work ethic and dedication to completion of tasks at hand, a virtue that makes Chinese contractors stand out from the rest.

The Chinese ethic insists on hardwork, diligence and low profile. They focus on excellence and timely completion of tasks. Their willingness to work hard and make maximum use of time has given the Chinese a global reputation of having a stable and industrious work force .They are willing to do more to stay on course and finish their work within the set deadlines. The government’s decision to use Chinese contractors for major projects in the country is informed by their clean record and work ethic among other positive attributes that most local contractor’s lack. The just completed works at Thika superhighway is indeed a wake -up call to local contractors and an opportunity to understand what makes Chinese contractors special and admired all over the world.

Chinese companies have made a lot of headway in the last decade. They have gradually emerged to be the best, most reliable and cost effective. They are among the world’s best in infrastructure and engineering projects. They have successfully bid for World Bank projects and competed globally to emerge tops. Chinese companies are now doing major projects in Africa, Europe, the United States and other continents. They are playing a major role in African development and represent a symbol of Africa’s growth. Local contractors need to learn and make their contribution to our development as well by adapting the hard working culture of the Chinese people and being diligent in their work.

China’s rapid development in the last three decades has been propelled by a dynamic infrastructural development. Kenya’s future will benefit a great deal from China’s lessons and only then will our much envisaged economic take-off be realized. Hard work and diligence are part of the national ethic and consciousness that is vividly reflected in Chinese economy and swift development. For us to reach where China is, we do not need to go to China, but open our eyes to the practical lessons at home and drive our country in the same direction.

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