Thursday, June 25, 2015

China and Kenya taking stock of gender equality progress at UN human rights session

China and Kenya co-sponsored discussion on gender equality during a Human Rights Council (HRC) session. The "Beijing+20: Gender Equality” discussion is part of the HRC's 29th session taking place from June 15 to July 3 this year in Geneva Switzerland.
The discussion is meant to take stock of progress made since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPA) in 1995 while identifying remaining challenges. Kenya and China were some of the main countries that contributed to the adoption of (BDPA) in 1995.
Participants and panelists including a number of NGOs applauded the progress made since the BDPA was adopted 20 years ago, and highlighted the continued relevance of BDPA's guidelines in today's gender equality agenda.
Zhao Hongju, deputy director general of international department under All China Women's Federation, warned that despite the significant progress made in terms of women's economic empowerment, education, participation and decision making, "greater efforts and resources are needed."
Maryann Njau-Kimani, Kenya's Secretary of Justice, said "No country has achieved full gender equality in all spheres of life," adding that political will on a national, regional and global level is needed to address the remaining gaps in gender equality.
Panelists further condemned the protracted use of gender stereotypes and violence against women endemic to all societies, and highlighted the importance of including women's rights and gender equality in the post-2015 sustainable development goals agenda.